May 2024

General Meeting

Implementing Reading Instruction Aligned to the Science of Reading

Agenda Highlights

On May 6, 2024, the Oakland Literacy Coalition and National Center on Improving Literacy hosted a virtual session presented by Judith L. Fontana, Ph.D. The session provided tools for participants to improve their ability to translate their knowledge of research grounded in the Science of Reading into evidence-based instructional practices.


  • Refresher
  • Research to practice: ies Practice Guide
    Foundational Reading Skills to Support Reading with Understanding Kindergarten through Third Grade
  • What to teach and How to teach it: Examples or demonstrations inserted as addressed by the IES guide.

Watch Session Here!

Download the Slides: Implementing Rdg. Inst Aligned with SoR Final

National Center on Improving Literacy 

Twitter: @NCILiteracy

Oakland Literacy Coalition
Twitter: @oaklandreads
FB: @oaklitcoalition
IG: @oaklitcoalition

January 2024

General Meeting

Understanding Outcomes of the “Right to Read” Settlement

Agenda Highlights

Our January 17, 2024 virtual forum featured Sarah Novicoff, lead author of the working paper The Achievement Effects of Scaling Early Literacy Reforms. She and her co-researcher looked at the 75 schools receiving the Early Literacy Support Block Grant (ELSBG), which provided teacher professional development, new funding (about $1000 per student), spending flexibility within specified guidelines, and expert facilitation and oversight of school-based planning. They found that ELSBG substantially improved the reading performance of targeted students and had positive spillover effects on performance in math as well.

One big takeaway was that the science of reading will succeed if implemented within a supportive policy infrastructure and environment. That includes funding, support for schools and teachers, supporting teacher learning aligned to the curriculum, and autonomy to meet the unique needs of each school. 

Watch the presentation:

You can find some slides from the presentation here.

The Block Grant that was established in response to the lawsuit Ella T. vs. the State of California created an environment for implementation that went far beyond teacher training or curricular purchases. In addition to those components, ELSBG allocated about $1,000 per student and allowed principals broad autonomy to choose the expenditures that would best help their students. Principals also consulted with the state-designated Expert Lead in Literacy to design these action plans and budgets.

Read more about the research findings and policy implications in this article by Sarah Novicoff on the Brookings website:

California initiative offers blueprint to implement the science of reading

June 2023

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights

On June 6, 2023, the Oakland Literacy Coalition hosted a virtual roundtable bringing in three different voices and perspectives in the Oakland literacy landscape. Romy Trigg-Smith, Director of Early Literacy PK-2 at Oakland Unified School District; Jasmin Tow Director of Early Literacy at Education for Change Public Schools; and Erin Cox, Early Learning Program Manager at Aspire Public schools, shared how their respective organizations have shifted to using strong curricula that support both top and bottom strands of the reading rope.

Watch Panel Discussion Here!

The speakers covered four main topics:
1. Curriculum
2. Teacher support
3. Assessments
4. Tiered support 

Download slides: June Virtual Literacy Round Table

Keep up with the featured panelists by following the links below!

April 2022

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights

On April 20, 2022, the Oakland Literacy Coalition hosted our Quarterly Forum where we were in conversation with Oakland Unified School District educators, literacy leaders and principals about their experience implementing new literacy curriculum and strategies for improving reading outcomes.

Watch Panel Discussion Here!

This 1.5 hour panel discussion featured Nikki Williams – Principal, Oakland Academy of Knowledge, Sara Farmer – ELA Instructional Coach, Garfield Elementary, Edgar Rodriguez-Ramirez – Principal, Garfield Elementary and was moderated by OLC’s Associate Director of Community Engagement, Exequiel “Rex” Ganding III.

Keep up with the featured panelist by following the links below!

Oakland Academy of Knowledge
IG: @oaklandacademyofknowledge

Garfield Elementary
IG: @garfieldelementaryoakland

Oakland Literacy Coalition
Twitter: @oaklandreads
FB: @oaklitcoalition
IG: @oaklitcoalition

February 2022

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights

On February 16, 2022, the Oakland Literacy Coalition was pleased to have Dr. Sabrina “Bri” Moore led our first IN TRAINING session “Building Liberatory Learning Spaces.” This workshop expands on her previous OLC Symposium session ‘Intervention Is Racist’. This workshop is especially important for educators, community organizers and designers of learning spaces looking for support and encouragement in developing liberatory learning spaces that are inclusive, equitable and anti-racist.

Resources and Links:

About Dr. Sabrina “Bri” Moore

Dr. Sabrina “Bri” Moore is the founder and director of 3Ls: Literacy, Leadership and Liberation. An Oakland based organization changing literacy outcomes “One Neighborhood at a time.” She is a former teacher, principal and now Program Director of Systemic Instructional Review in Oakland California working in tandem for both the State CCEE and Alameda County offices of Education in support of the Oakland Unified School District.

When asked about who she is, Dr. Bri said,

“Only after an MBA and Doctorate can I now laugh about the words, stereotypes, and statistics thrown at me in school [such as] ‘stupid Black girl; you’re not smart enough!; You can’t read.’ I knew that I didn’t want any kid to have that experience. To hear what I heard, feel what I felt, or believe what I had learned to believe. Fast forward through teaching, principalship and a few other titles and the birth of 3Ls was inevitable. Fate! I founded 3Ls in 2014 to improve literacy rates by leveraging liberatory practices in the community, to listen, respond, identify and interrupt the ways in which reading was being done or not done for our kids. It took shape one neighborhood at a time.”

Keep up with Dr. Bri by following the links below:

  • FB:@3lstheacademy
  • IG: @3lstheacademy

January 2022

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights

Earlier this month on January 19th, the Oakland Literacy Coalition was honored to have Tyson Amir lead a powerful presentation for our Winter Forum and our first In Conversation Series for 2022. In the seminar presentation, titled “Black Minds and the History of Education,”Tyson Amir explored the history of U.S education and its impact on Black and Indigenous folks in the Bay Area and across the country.

Watch the full presentation here!

What are the stereotypes about Black students and Black youth? Where did they come from??? And what purpose do they serve??? These are the questions Tyson led with as he began the unveiling of the origins of U.S Education. 

When having conversations about the inequities and injustices that many Black, Brown and Indigenous students face within the education system, we have to have a clear understanding on where it all originated from. When it comes to the beginnings of what we know to be the education and schooling system here in the U.S, the intention was, politically, socially, economically, legislatively, and culturally focused on barring Black folks from access to education. This is evident in the slew of anti-literacy laws passed between 1740 – 1865 and further confirmed by anti-Black and discriminatory beliefs held by many of the this country’s founding leaders. 

Taking us on a journey from the early 1600s to the present, Tyson gives a thorough mapping of the history of U.S education, connects the Black experience with Indigenous struggles, and urges us to reflect on our own perceptions and beliefs and how that shapes the youth who we are in community with.

Resources and Links:

About Tyson
Born and bred in the Bay Area is the creative, Tyson Amir. He is a rapper blessed with a poignant message, electrifying cadence, enlightening lyrics and it all combines to form a music with enough heart and soul to move a generation. Tyson is also a poet, emcee, educator, author, activist but if you ask him he’ll say he’s “a freedom fighter”. His fight is born out of love for humanity, justice and peace for all. Each one of these layers are intricately woven into his praxis and practice. He is the author of “Black Boy Poems” and creator of the Black Boy Poems curriculum. He is also the founder of Freedom Soul Media Education Initiatives. 

Keep up with Tyson
IG: @tyamir
Twitter: @tysonamir

Spring 2021

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights.

In our Spring Literacy Forum, we convened a parent/educator panel for a rich discussion of lesson learned from a year of remote schooling.  Our panelists looked at what they want to bring forward and want they want to leave behind in virtual learning as we head back to classrooms. Our panelists highlighted the ways that different communication modes between schools and families has helped them support students and in many cases, points the way for closer partnerships moving forward.

Educators shared how their experiences in adapting to distance learning has implications for student engagement, and in particular, attending to their social emotional needs. Existing equity gaps were exacerbated during the pandemic, necessitating a concentrated response as we return to classrooms. In many cases, it is the most under-resourced students that are choosing to remain in remote schooling, increasing the urgency for schools to effectively build out their hybrid and distance learning plans.

See below for links to the presentation agenda,  resources and link to the recorded webinar (coming soon). 

Click below for selected highlights of the Parent & Educator Panel.

  • Resilience:
  • Moving Forward:
  • Communication:
  • Technology:
  • Final Thoughts:

February 2021 SEL Trainings

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights

Social emotional health is critical for young children as it is critical for us all. We know that for children to reach their academic goals, we need to attend to their social emotional needs first. 

In a two-part workshop series in February , we welcomed back our expert facilitator Aija Simmons to share with our community of literacy service providers, educators and educational leaders, ways to foster social emotional learning (SEL) skills and relationship building in their daily work. The series focused on building capacity, both for our external programs, and within our organizations. 

Aija introduced participants to the MPACT and CASEL pyramid learning frameworks. Participants decided on one key area of focus to practice between the two sessions. In breakout rooms grouped by organizational teams and by area of focus, we reflected on which practices we were able to put in place, and looked at our goals for integrating new SEL practices moving forward.

Did you miss the SEL workshop series and want to review? Please check out the resources below: 

Winter 2021

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights

Goals like reading success for all require transformational change and leadership. Our Winter Literacy Forum was an opportunity for educators, parents, programs, organizations, and other community members to hear and learn from each other.  We highlighted OUSD’s new ELA framework, strategy, and curriculum pilot as a critical pathway and opportunity for change.

In small breakout groups, we asked participants to examine: What have been the barriers to successful reading initiatives? What were obstacles in the way? What are the opportunities for change? Participants also examined their own work and leadership in removing barriers and enabling conditions for community level change.

Missed the forum? Want to review? Check out the relevant documents below:

Fall 2020

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights

Our Fall Quarterly meeting featured an interactive presentation about Social and Emotional Learning. We were thrilled to bring Aija Simmons (Program Manager in the department of Social and Emotional Learning at OUSD) to present to our community.

Aija led our group through the basics of SEL and how OUSD approaches SEL, both in-person and virtually. We then unpacked the three signature SEL practices: welcoming rituals, engaging practices, and optimistic closings. Our meeting made great use of breakout rooms as we connected with each other to discuss using these practices in our own contexts for a valuable peer-learning experience.

As our schools and programs continue to serve students virtually, SEL is critical. We are committed to helping our community access these valuable resources for students, and we look forward to future workshop opportunities with Aija in January. Stay tuned to find out how you can joining us!

See below for links to the presentation guide, the recorded webinar, and the powerpoint slides. 

Summer 2020

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights

This quarter we examined virtual learning in Oakland. This past Spring, as COVID-19 began appearing in communities across the Bay Area and the rest of the country, schools and programs were forced to close their doors and pivot online. Within a few weeks, students and educators were suddenly learning and teaching over Zoom, Google Meet, and Skype. We were thrilled to feature the work of two organizations who shared what they learned and created through distance learning this summer. 

The Oakland REACH is responding to the growing learning disparities affecting Black and Brown children in Oakland and the growing digital divide exacerbated by COVID-19. In June the Oakland REACH launched the City-Wide Virtual Family Hub and Literacy Liberation Center, providing summer learning and tech resources for over 200 students and families.

Springboard Collaborative has partnered with schools in Oakland since 2015, providing after school and summer programming aimed at coaching teachers and families to help kids read on grade level. As a response to COVID-19, Springboard moved their programming online and launched a resource portal for families and teachers. They also released a family literacy app and toolkit, and organized professional learning communities for teachers.

We used our time together to learn and discuss:

  • What has worked for programs transitioning to virtual learning? What hasn’t?
  • How are programs supporting the work of schools and teachers in virtual learning?
  • How are programs supporting students and families through virtual learning?
  • How can we leverage virtual learning to begin closing opportunity gaps and keep all kids connected – online and in person?
  • What lessons and learning can we all take into the Fall?

Participants were able to reflect, share, and learn together in “round-table” discussions with Community Education Partnerships, Tandem, Partners in Early Learning, and East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation.

As we enter the Fall, we continue to support each other and our students in navigating the online learning world. We look forward to more collaboration and innovation throughout Oakland.

See below for links to the presentation guide, the recorded webinar, and the powerpoint slides. 

Spring 2020

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights

Our Spring Quarterly Meeting focused on Understanding Dyslexia. After spending the previous few months learning more about the science of reading and best practices in teaching reading, dyslexia began to stand out as a really important focus area for our community.

Kristen Koeller is the Educator Outreach Co-Manager for Decoding Dyslexia CA, and is a Structured Literacy TSA in the San Ramon Valley Unified School District.  She is an IDA Certified Structured Literacy Classroom Teacher.

Deberah Schlagel is a Decoding Dyslexia, CA volunteer and parent advocate.

Together they led the webinar and helped our community better understand Dyslexia while exploring the following questions:

  • What is Dyslexia and how does it affect student learners?
  • Why do so many students fall through the cracks before identification and support?
  • What practices and instructional approaches can support students with dyslexia?
  • What can we learn from parent experience in navigating school systems to support a dyslexic child?
  • What role might we each play in supporting students and how can this knowledge inform our own practice?

See below for links to the presentation guide, the recorded webinar, and the powerpoint slides.

Winter 2020

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights

Our Winter Quarterly Meeting focused on literacy work and literacy goals in Oakland.  After a whirlwind year of reading and discussing national coverage about reading instruction, and hearing directly from Oakland educators in the Fall at our previous Quarterly Meeting, we have come to understand some important things that continue to drive our work here at the OLC:

  • The science of reading and how students learn to read has been settled: instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension are all crucial in developing strong readers.
  • We, as a country, and here in Oakland, do not do enough to help students develop phonemic awareness and build phonics skills in early reading instruction. We do not have strong systematic literacy instruction rooted in phonics skills development and it’s holding our students back. Some students still learn to read without systematic instruction, but most will not.
  • We cannot point fingers or play the blame game. We are all in this together, we all want better for our students, and so we are committed to focusing on solutions from here on out, and we understand that it takes all of us.
  • Across the country, schools, school districts, cities, and states are grappling with how best to teach students to read and we are throwing our hat into the ring as well. But what makes Oakland unique is how we are centering this work around the voices and experiences of families and students, teachers, and schools.
  • Therefore, we are committed to alignment across families, schools, and programs serving students.

We all know that two heads are better than one when solving big challenges, and at the OLC we live this daily: “collaborate” is one of our core values. On Wednesday, Jan 15 at our Winter Quarterly Meeting, over 45 individuals representing over 30 organizations throughout Oakland came together to learn, collaborate, and champion critical pathways to transform literacy outcomes in Oakland.

Centering Equity in Our Work: Small Group DialogueMichael De Sousa, the Oakland REACH

In order for our group to begin thinking about literacy outcomes and goals, we needed to make sure that we are hearing from all relevant stakeholders, especially families. Michael led the group through thinking about the different perspectives and solutions centered in our work. He challenged us to change how we lead in order to center more family and student experiences, and to evaluate how the actual structures and processes we use in our work often need to change in order to incorporate the range of experiences and priorities families have for their students. We had opportunities to share ideas and talk through these topics with each other, and share out in a larger group.

Call to Action: Literacy for AllKareem Weaver, NAACP

Following Michael’s workshop, Kareem helped the group think through the need for structural and systemic change within the literacy profession, specifically here in Oakland. He pointed out that most teachers who teach reading or are involved in the literacy profession learned to read easily themselves, and so it’s often hard for us to understand the difficulties a student has and the complexities in the process when learning to read. There’s a huge experience gap – most educators didn’t “need” the structured phonics in order to learn to read, but in fact, over 60% of students require explicit, phonics-based instruction to learn to read. 

Kareem also pointed out that currently most schools in Oakland don’t have the “stuff” (curriculum, resources, teacher professional development) and therefore teachers rarely know the “stuff” (how to teach phonics, how to incorporate structured literacy into the ELA curriculum) and fixing that should be a priority for sure. However, at the same time, he stressed the importance of everyone developing different mindsets – that we need vulnerability to examine our work, keep it focused in the research, and make sure it’s what kids need.

OUSD Literacy Alignment, Wes Jacques, OUSD

As Kareem pointed out, having a perfect curriculum won’t fix everything, but a strong instructional system will go a long way. Wes presented an overview of OUSD’s instructional focus for 2020 and multi-year literacy goals for students. He closed his presentation with an activity for the group, soliciting feedback for the working group moving forward.  Participants answered the following questions: “What resonates?”, “What are you wondering?”, and “What ideas do you have to increase collective impact?” 

The working group will continue to collect feedback at each meeting or event. This feedback will help shape their priorities and projects. You can expect updates from the working 

Thanks to all who joined us. We look forward to continuing this important conversation and work.

Below you will find some resources shared throughout the meeting:

General Resources & Links


Thank you to Noah’s Bagels Lakeshore for the bagel donation, and Whole Foods Oakland for our coffee! 

Thank you to Greenlining 360 Center for the use of their fantastic space!

Fall 2019

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights

Our Fall Quarterly meeting centered around literacy development and instruction from birth to early elementary. The question of “what is the best way to teach reading?” has been discussed for ages among schools, educators, and researchers. 20 years ago the National Reading Panel convened and found that effective reading programs combined instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. In most classrooms and reading programs, there’s no debate about the importance of these components. But for many classrooms today, explicit and systematic phonics instruction has often been absent – or, at most, a haphazard add-on to an existing literacy program.

The discussion about the place and importance of phonics in the literacy classroom has recently been the focus of countless debates, articles, podcasts, and even Twitter discussions over the past year. We believe this is due to a few factors:

Panel Discussion with Oakland Educators

featuring Margaret Goldberg, OUSD; Lani Mednick, OUSD; Erin Cox, Aspire Public Schools; Dana Cilono, SEEDS of Learning

In order to better understand how this conversation is playing out here in Oakland, our Fall Quarterly meeting featured a panel of four Oakland educators who shared their experiences with understanding cognitive science reading research and implementing a structured phonics program in their instruction. Some of our main takeaways from their experiences included:

  • While it is important to have a strong curriculum, curriculum is not the magic answer. Teachers and educators need to understand the science of reading first in order to implement explicit phonics instruction.
  • It takes time and support for teachers and educators to understand and process the research, and it takes time and support for them to change their practices.
  • In the same vein, it takes intentionality and time to build a community of educators. Schools and school districts have to be willing to create and sustain systems where teachers stay and feel supported in this work.

Early Literacy Workshop

with Sara Rizik-Baer, Tandem, Partners in Early Learning

We also recognize that literacy development starts well before a student arrives at school in TK or Kindergarten. We had an interactive workshop by Sara Rizik-Baer from Tandem, Partners in Early Learning, focused on building literacy rich environments for students from birth through age 5. Sara highlighted strategies educators can use to develop the American Library Association’s Six Skills of Early Literacy.

In the months to come, we will be diving into this topic in depth. We’ll be exploring the cognitive science behind reading instruction more closely in our upcoming Member Meeting in November. We’ll also take a closer look at literacy instruction, research, and outcomes for students across Oakland. We’d love to hear your questions – what are you curious about? What does this mean for your work or your experience in literacy in Oakland? Drop us a line at and let us know.

You can find the Fall 2019 Quarterly Meeting Notebook here.  You can find a copy of the Meeting Powerpoint here.

Below you will find some resources shared throughout the meeting.

General Resources & Links


Thank you to Janet Heller and the team at Chapter 510 & the Department of Make-Believe for the use of their wonderful space!

Thank you to Noah’s NY Bagels Lakeshore and Whole Foods for their donations of delicious bagels and coffee!

Summer 2019

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights

For our Summer Quarterly meeting we focused primarily on learning more about reforming the Proposition 13 corporate loophole. We heard an engaging presentation from Ben Grieff with Evolve CA, and then broke out into small groups to discuss Prop 13 reform and ways that we can continue to support our schools and communities even before the 2020 vote.

At the end of the meeting we heard from OLC co-director Sanam Jorjani about a potential new project – the Oakland Literacy Center! Stay tuned for updates about this exciting new possibility for Oakland.

You can find the Summer 2019 Quarterly Meeting Notebook here.

Below you will find the resources shared throughout the meeting.

General Resources & Links


Thank you to the Greenlining 360 Center for the use of the Resistance Room!

Thank you to Noah’s NY Bagels Lakeshore and Hasta Muerte Coffee for their donations of delicious bagels and coffee!

Spring 2019

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights

Our Spring Quarterly Meeting was energizing, engaging, and exciting. We were joined by Roilyn Graves from Envision Public Schools, who led a workshop for participants to help us understand Special Education and literacy, and how they intersect with our own work.

You can find the powerpoint presentation here, and the participant note packet here.

Below you will find the resources shared throughout the workshop in the various stations:

General Resources

Deep Dive Into Common Disabilities 

Literacy Focused Interventions


Thank you to Chapter 510 and Janet Heller for hosting us in their one-of-a-kind writing space.  For more information about their programs or renting their space for an event, check out their website.

Thank you to Noah’s Bagels and Whole Foods for their donation of delicious coffee and bagels!

Documents from Spring Quarterly Meeting

Winter 2019

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights

On Wednesday, January 16, over 30 participants representing a wide variety of organizations throughout Oakland convened at Chapter 510 & the Department of Make-Believe for an exciting morning of learning and networking.

This meeting focused around After School programs and literacy education. You can access the complete meeting packet here and the complete slideshow here.

After School and Literacy Education

We started off learning about the priorities, successes, and challenges of after school programs in Oakland with presentations from Martha Peña of OUSD, Claire Elowitt of Super Stars Literacy, Ty-Licia Hooker of Boost! West Oakland, and Becky Sotello of Girls Inc. of Alameda County.  Each spoke from their perspective about their organization’s experience navigating the after school landscape in order to serve students most effectively.  

After the presentations there was an opportunity for participants to connect with the presenters and each other in small groups for a deep-dive discussion, which was a really exciting part of the meeting. “Loved the format – short presentations and then breakout sessions,” said one participant.

Advocacy Opportunity

Aleah Rosario of CALSAC, presented information about after school funding on the state level – where most of Oakland’s after school funding comes from.  Aleah shared that lawmakers are currently reviewing the budget over these next few months, which makes this an ideal time to make your voice heard and convince the state to allocate more funding towards after school programs. Aleah shared opportunities for statewide advocacy leading up to the CA Afterschool and Summer Challenge event in March. Check out some of the resources Aleah shared and reach out to us if you want more information on anything here:

On Monday, January 28, from 1-1:30pm the OLC will be hosting an Advocacy Call for anyone interested in getting involved.  Please RSVP to this link if you would like to join us!

Read Aloud Workshop

Immediately following the general meeting, the OLC’s Program Manager, Rebecca Schmidt, lead a workshop on Read Aloud Basics. This workshop was aimed toward Family Reading Celebration Mini Grant recipients, but open to anyone interested.  You can access the workshop handout here: Read Aloud Workshop one-pager. Be sure to check out our Reading Celebration Planning & Resource Page on our website for additional resources and updates.


Thank you to Chapter 510 and Janet Heller for hosting us in their one-of-a-kind writing space.  For more information about their programs or renting their space for an event, check out their website.

Thank you to Beauty’s Bagel Shop and Whole Foods for their donation of delicious coffee and bagels!

Documents from Winter OLC Quarterly Meeting

Fall 2018

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights

On Wednesday, October 17, over 35 community partners in 30 organizations met at the East Bay Community Foundation conference center for the Fall Quarterly OLC Meeting. You can access the complete meeting packet below.

Here are some highlights!

Partners & Community Schools

Ali Metzler from OUSD presented about Community Schools in Oakland, and in particular, about the Community School Manager role.  She shared that the CSM role can be an integral connection for literacy partners in OUSD schools. She offered some helpful guidelines for connecting with a school’s CSM, and also some tips on what to do and who to go to if your school doesn’t have a CSM.

Ali then turned the focus to integrating literacy partners into schools.  She presented some feedback about best practices from school leaders and select partners.  The group then had a chance to reflect on their own areas for growth and things that are going well in their own partnerships in schools, and explore some of the resources that OUSD offers to help partners and schools improve their partnerships.

Martin Young from OUSD closed out the presentation with a quick review of the Partnerships Process and a list of this year’s approved community partners.

You can find more information in the links below:

Family Reading Celebrations Mini Grants Info Session

Immediately after the main part of the OLC Meeting ended, Sanam Jorjani, one of the OLC Co-Directors, led an information session about the current round of mini grants.

You can find more information about Family Reading Celebrations in the links below:

Thank you to Whole Foods and Proposition Chicken for your generous donation. 

Documents from Fall OLC Quarterly Meeting

Summer 2018

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights 

On Wednesday, July 25, 2018, over 40 community partners representing over 30 organizations met at Chapter 510 and the Department of Make Believe for the Summer Quarterly OLC Meeting.

Below are some highlights!

Panel – Summer Learning: Three organizations show how they keep students engaged.

Julie McCalmont of OUSD, Marián Gutiérrez of the Aspire Education Summer Reading Buddies Program, and Bernadette Butler and Benjie Achtenberg from Aim High each presented about how their work keeps students engaged throughout the summer.  It was evident that although all three are very different organizations and work in different ways, student engagement and student experience are at the forefront.   

Julie shared that OUSD’s summer focus is generally summed up with the phrase “first experiences and second chances,” working with students new to OUSD programs (such as rising Kindergarteners, newcomers, or refugee students) and students who need extra support outside the typical school year (students who finish the school year behind or need a second chance on a class).  Marián spoke about the high school Reading Buddies Program and how powerful connections are made between the high schoolers and the students (who are typically PreK-3rd graders in their program).  She also discussed the importance and the challenge of engaging high schoolers from the same communities as the children in the program.  Bernadette and Benjie spoke about how important it is for Aim High to engage students in their program from day one, and how that can be challenging given such a short amount of time over the summer. But with an academic program that is specifically tailored to middle schoolers, and extracurriculars unlike a traditional school schedule (think Zumba, Ultimate Frisbee, or filmmaking), students jump right in.

All four panelists spoke about the importance of providing students an opportunity to experience something new and different over the summer, giving students the chance to build on what they’ve already learned in school, and/or helping students become prepared for the following school year.

“I loved the speakers and the different perspectives they took while at the same time they shared a sense of excitement, passion, and motivation”

You can find more information about the organizations here:

Summer Mini Grants Table Conversations

Each summer, the OLC gives out Mini Grants to organizations that work to promote and support student reading and family engagement over the summer.  These grants range in amount up to $1,000 and are meant to help organizations bring literacy and books into traditionally non-academic or out-of-school spaces.
Three Summer Reading Mini Grants recipients joined us at the OLC meeting: Wanda O’Neil from Maya Angelou Library and Literacy Center, Kacie Stratton from Harbor House Ministries, and Lucy Rios from Brighter Beginnings.  They each held “table conversations” and shared with participants about their organizations and their experiences in the Mini Grants program. The groups also had the chance to share with each other about various student engagement and community outreach strategies, as well as other best practices.

You can find out more information about the Summer Mini Grants here.  

You can find out more about the organizations that facilitated here:

Thank you to Whole Foods and Proposition Chicken for your generous donation. 

Documents from July OLC Quarterly Meeting

Spring 2018

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights 

On Wednesday, May 23, 2018, over 50 community partners representing over 30 organizations met at Chapter 510 and the Department of Make Believe for the Spring Quarterly OLC Meeting.

Below are some highlights!

Advocacy Update on Measure A & the Oakland Children’s Initiative

Three representatives from the campaigns presented compelling background and data about why these measures are so important to the Oakland community.  

“Loved the policy/advocacy update! In my work – not many opportunities for this type of learning.  Extremely beneficial especially for representatives for the campaign to explain various parts.”

LitMap Update

Rinat Fried from OUSD unveiled the new LitMap, which is designed to help Oakland schools and external partners better collaborate with each other, and helps to make resources transparent and accessible to schools and community stakeholders.  The LitMap is fully searchable and features detailed community partner profiles, school profiles, and interactive mapping tools that can be used to access data on OUSD child development centers, OUSD elementary schools, Oakland charter elementary schools, and community partner literacy providers. Litmap currently includes 2017-18 data.

You can access the LitMap here.

Panel – Beyond Reading: Three approaches to literacy beyond the fundamentals

Lacy Asbill from Moving Forward Institute, Rebecca Haskell from Science is Elementary, and Janet Heller from Chapter 510 and the Department of Make Believe each presented about how their work builds literacy skills with students.  It was evident that although all three are very different organizations, literacy is a focus for each.

Lacy shared how social emotional learning is at the core of their curriculum, and that helping students connect with books on an emotional level enables them to engage with text in a more meaningful way, building skills and applying knowledge along the way.  Rebecca shared how student engagement is significantly high in science and how children’s fundamental curiosity lends itself well to science work, but that it’s imperative for students to be able to express what they learn and discover. Janet shared the process by which teaching artists collaborate with teachers in schools to help develop space for writing projects that align with their classroom curriculum.  

All three panelists expressed the importance of holding student experience and student engagement at the heart of their work, and the power of collaborating across disciplines in order to support students most effectively.

You can find more information about the organizations below.

“The Beyond Reading panel was extraordinary – made me really rethink the direction of our curriculum.”

“The panel discussion was great – awesome to learn more about how social/emotional learning and science is helpful with literacy”

“Great to hear from peer organizations in the panel! It helped fuel ideas for peer collaboration.”

OUSD Partnerships Update

Martin Young presented the process for partnering with OUSD, and the necessary steps needed to take in order for an organization to officially partner.  You can find more information from his presentation below.


Thank you to Chapter 510 and Janet Heller for hosting us in their one-of-a-kind writing space. For more information on renting their space for an event or meeting visit their website.

Thank you to Whole Foods Market for providing breakfast and lunch for the quarterly meeting.

Documents from May 2018 OLC General Meeting

Winter 2018

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights

On January 24, 2018, over 40 community partners joined the OLC for our Winter Quarterly Meeting.  We were joined by OUSD Board President, Aimee Eng, who shared about the current budget, considerations, and process.  We collected and shared feedback and concerns through group discussion and explored challenges and possibilities in the school year ahead.  We had rotating round table discussions that featured a peer speaker with an organizational highlight and practical example and a facilitated peer discussion.  

We also shared 2018 policy updates and opportunities.

  • Policy Update & Opportunity
    • Nina Lindsay, Oakland Public Library
    • Sanam Jorjani from Oakland Literacy Coalition
  • OUSD Budget Update & Group Discussion
    • Aimee Eng, Board President
  • Litmap Early Literacy Resources Dashboard
    • Cassie Perham, Oakland Literacy Coalition


Thank you to Whole Foods Market for providing breakfast for our quarterly meeting.

Documents from January 2018 OLC General Meeting

Fall 2017

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights

  • OLC Membership Overview and Q&A
  • Taproot Pro Bono services for members
    • Kate Effland & Andrew Mahoney, Taproot Foundation
  • Literacy Instruction & Support, OUSD
    • Nancy Lai, OUSD
  • Litmap Early Literacy Resources Dashboard
    • Cassie Perham, OLC
  • OLC Advocacy – Oakland Children’s Initiative
    • Sanam Jorjani, OLC

Documents from October 2017 OLC General Meeting

Spring 2017

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights

On April 19th, 40 network partners joined us for our April meeting focused on the early education landscape in Oakland.  In addition to our knowledgable expert speakers, OLC members were invited to share and network over a delicious lunch from El Gusano.  Thank you to all who joined us for another opportunity to learn, collaborate, and champion!  And a special guest to all special guest speakers.  We look forward to seeing you all in July for our Annual Summer Convening.  In the meantime, don’t forget to check our blog for the latest news and opportunities from the us and for community announcements and community job postings.

A Look at Early Childhood Education Issues, Initiatives, and Data

Malia Ramler and Andrea Youngdahl of Oakland Starting Smart and Strong shared how the initiative is working to develop a cross-sector, citywide, integrated, quality early childhood system.  OSSS is a ten-year initiative focused on creating universal access to high quality early learning opportunities and the promotion of healthy development for children 0-5.  The presentation focused on how Oakland is mobilizing cross-sector agencies to build systems and support, and how OSSS is serving as the early care and education collaborative for Oakland.

Community organizations interested in this 0-5 task force are invited to learn more by contacting Sarah Price at

A Look at the Preschool Experience of OUSD Kindergartners

Rinat Fried shared the new public “Preschool Experience Dashboard” for OUSD kindergarten students.  OUSDs recent inclusion of parent reported preK experience information as part of the enrollment application, revealed important data on how many children have had preschool.

“16% of OUSD kindergarten students had no preschool experience prior to enrolling in OUSD preK”

The dashboards include the type of preschool (head start, OUSD, private, day care, etc), as well as where they attended.  The dashboards also show feeder patters for kinder enrollment, allowing interested principals to understand where their students are coming from.

The dashboard is available via OUSDs community portal.

Supporting Early Learning in Oakland Discussion

Following both early education focused presentation, a discussion followed on how Oakland can message the importance of early education and preschool for all.

What does the public at large need to understand in order to support quality preschool for all Oakland children?

  • What is school readiness and how does it impact later learning?
  • How does investing in preschool benefit the city.
  • What does expanded preschool look like?  What do children gain?
  • What does the access gap to preschool look like and how does it impact families?
  • How is preschool different from other forms of child care?

How do we address these questions and build public will and support?

  • Create a grassroots, parent led campaign for preK
  • Craft messages for various stakeholders and decision makers, such as policy makers.

Some outstanding and thought provoking questions remain:

  • Is there a common understanding of school readiness?
  • Is there a common understanding of “quality”
  • In addition to increasing the number of available preK seats, how do we address the other barriers to preK access and enrollment?

“Done in A Day” Pro Bono Services with Taproot

Andrew Mahoney of the Taproot foundation shared their pro bono services for non-profits. The Oakland Literacy Coalition is working to secure a partnership with the Taproot Foundation to make their “Done in a Day” pro bono services available to OUSD organizations.  Please contact Andrew Mahoney at with any questions about how the Taproot Foundation might support your non-profit.

Documents from the Spring 2017 general meeting

Winter 2017

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights
The focus of this meeting is geared towards educators, practitioners and providers looking to develop and utilize read alouds to support children, classrooms, and families.
    • Alicia Maldonado, California State Lead, Campaign for Grade-Level Reading
    • Susan True, Director, Education Strategies and Ventures, Kenneth Rainin Foundation
    • Kyndal Hargrow, SEEDS Literacy Coach
    • Two Generation Approach To Literacy
    • Sue Pon, Director, Oakland Adult and Career Education, OUSD

Documents from the Winter 2017 Quarterly Meeting

Fall 2016

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights

  • Latest from OUSD Community Schools Student Services
    • Andrea Bustamante, Executive Director, Community Schools Student Services
  • OUSD Partnerships Updates
    • Martin Young, Partnerships Manager, Community School Partnerships
  • Facilitated Discussion with Family Engagement Liaisons on Site-Level Collaboration
    • OUSD Family Engagement Team
  • OUSD Literacy Partner Dashboard and Data Project
    • Rinat Fried, Research Associate, 0-8

Documents from the October 2016 General Meeting

Spring 2016

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights

  • Foundations & Practice in Family Engagement Panel
    • Raquel Jimenez, Oakland Unified School District
    • Teneh Weller, High Expectations Parental Service
    • Pecolia Manigo, Parent Leadership Action Network
    • Katy Nunez-Adler, Oakland Community Organization
  • Everyone 5K and 1/2 Marathon Fundraiser
    • Tom Huston, Founder & CEO

Documents from the April 2016 General Meeting

Winter 2016

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights

  • School District Support for Third Grade Reading
    • Devin Dillon, Chief Academic Officer, Oakland Unified School District
  • School District Data Tools and Data Work with Partners
    • Rinat Fried, Data Analyst, Oakland Unified School District

Documents from the January 2016 General Meeting

Fall 2015

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights

  • Oakland Fund for Children and Youth: 2016-2019 Strategic Plan Highlights
    • Mike Wetzel, Program Planner, Oakland Fund for Children & Youth
  • Oakland Unified School District Elementary Literacy Supports
    • Nancy Lai,TK-12 Language and Literacy Manager English, History, and Library Services, OUSD
    • Julie Bennett, K-5 Language and Literacy Coordinator, OUSD

Documents from the October 2015 General Meeting

April 2015

General Meeting

Oakland Teacher & Principal Panel

  • Leo Fuchs, Principal, Learning Without Limits
  • Roma Groves, Principal, Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary
  • David McKay, Teacher, EnCompass
  • Pamela Mullen, Teacher, Garfield Elementary

Documents from the April 2015 General Meeting

January 2015

General Meeting

Meeting Highlights

  • Program Evaluation
    • Gibson & Associates: Paul Gibson, President; Nada Djordjevich, Executive Director; and Julie Johnson, Associate
  • Foundation Center Resources at Oakland Public Library
    • Kathleen DiGiovanni Senior Librarian, Adult Reference Services, Oakland Public Library

Documents from the January 2015 General Meeting

October 2014

General Meeting

Meeting Highlights

  • OUSD’s Approach to Social and Emotional Learning
    • Mary Hurley & Sonny Kim Social Emotional Learning & Leadership, Community Schools and Student Services, OUSD
  • Strengthening Social Emotional Learning in Your Work
    • Lacy Asbill, Moving Forward Education

Documents from the October 2014 General Meeting

April 2014

General Meeting

Oakland Teacher & Principal Panel

  • Kilian Betlach, Principal, Elmhurst Community Prep
  • Judy Lee, Teacher, Brookfield Village Elementary
  • Bernadette Breen, Teacher, Brookfield Village Elementary
  • Pamela Mullen, Teacher, Garfield Elementary
  • Linda Pitts, Teacher, Garfield Elementary
  • Jill Guerra, Teacher, Sankofa

Documents from the April 2014 General Meeting

January 2014

General Meeting

Agenda Highlights

  • CORE Waiver Presentation
    • Maria Santos, Deputy Superintendent of Instruction, OUSD
  • OUSD Office of Quality, Accountability, and Analytics presentation on DIBELS and SRI Assessments
    • Rinat Fried, Data Analyst, OUSD

Documents from the January 2014 General Meeting

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