FOPSL to become a program of the Oakland Literacy Coalition
We are excited to announce that Friends of the Oakland Public School Libraries, or FOPSL, will become a program of the OLC in January 2022. The OLC looks forward to continuing FOPSL’s mission to ensure that every Oakland public school student has access to quality school library services.
Founded in 2012, FOPSL has supported OUSD’s libraries, advocated for expanded library services, and most recently partnered with the district to build the OUSD Digital Library, or Sora. FOPSL has provided over $200,000 in funding to support OUSD libraries, thousands of books, over 25,000 skilled volunteer hours, and rebuilt 24 school libraries.
FOPSL’s work to create equitable and excellent conditions for learning citywide through school library services fits squarely into the OLC’s mission of working together to ensure that every Oakland child learns and loves to read. After many years of partnership, the OLC is honored to carry forward FOPSL’s support and advocacy for the expansion of quality library services.

The OLC is opening a search for a School Library Program Manager to lead this work inside the OLC. FOPSL’s Executive Director, Dagmar Serota, will be retiring in December after four years leading and growing the organization’s services and impact. To ensure a smooth transition and continuity in school library support, Dagmar will serve as chair of the OLC’s new School Library Advisory Committee.
We look forward to sharing more in the coming months and please reach out if you have questions or would like to connect about ways to work together in service of our school libraries.