Evidence-Based Literacy Video Modules

Welcome to our Online Literacy Video Library- a one stop hub for learning and implementing evidence-based literacy practices! Explore our collection of short videos that unpack the research supporting vital strands of Scarborough’s Reading Rope and provide actionable instructional routines. Whether you are a school-based educator, afterschool tutor, family member, or literacy advocate, you’ll find valuable resources to connect these strategies to your own work and start applying them right away.
Each video is less than 25 minutes long and comes with an editable companion guide for you to reflect on what you’re learning and connect you with practical resources. Download the companion guide before you watch the video, to use for taking notes.
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Language Comprehension Strands:
Background Knowledge
Learn how to activate, connect, and expand students’ background knowledge to support reading comprehension.
Vocabulary is critical for comprehension. Watch this video and learn strategies to grow vocabulary.
Literacy Knowledge
What is literacy knowledge and how does it support comprehension? Learn about concepts of print, genres, nonfiction text features, and structures.
Word Recognition Strands:
Phonemic Awareness
Learn what phonemic awareness is, understand its role in decoding, and explore instructional routines you can use with young readers right away.
Support students to crack the code with explicit phonics routines and understand why this hot topic matters for proficient readers.
Learn how decodable texts differ from other texts, how they support early readers’ fluency skills, and explore ways to select and use decodable texts effectively.
Sight Words
Learn the difference between a sight word, high-frequency word, and irregular word. Explore routines to introduce and practice sight words.
Additional Video Resources:
What does fluent reading sound like and why is it important? Learn the different components of fluency and strategies to support fluency development.
Learn about morphology, how it supports skillful reading, and how to explicitly teach the most frequent prefixes, suffixes, and root words.