Raising A Reader
Website: http://www.raisingareader.org/
Raising A Reader’s mission is to engage caregivers in a routine of book sharing with their children from birth through age eight to foster healthy brain development, healthy relationships, a love of reading, and the literacy skills critical for school success.
Through a network of more than 2,900 locations, Raising A Reader reaches more than 126,000 children and families each year. Since our inception in 1999, we have helped 1.625 million families build and maintain reading routines in their homes, with special attention to those at highest-risk for educational failure.
Literacy Programs
Raising A Reader is an evidence-based early childhood reading program designed to help families develop, practice and maintain home-based literacy routines. Each week a child brings home a different bag of high-quality, multi-cultural books to share with their family. Parent training curriculum is provided to school staff to support the development of shared reading skills at home. To sustain these habits, families are connected with their local library.