

Chapter 510 provides free in-school tutoring, creative writing workshops, and publishing opportunities for 2-12th grade students in Oakland. Chapter 510 is based on the 826 National program model offering writing instruction that coincides with classroom curriculum to both improve writing skills, but empower students with publishing opportunities.

Literacy Programs

Chapter 510 invites classrooms to its writing center once per week for a collaborative storytelling field trip, which ends with each student taking home a newly published book. Students learn writing skills and are guided by staff and volunteers in the writing of their own book. Chapter 510 also does In-School Epic Poetry Days that guides students in a collaborative storytelling relay between classrooms. In-School Book Projects take place twice per year, working with students in up to two classrooms. Teaching artists work with educators to enhance their curriculum with poetry and fiction, and enter classrooms twice a week for up to 10 weeks to guide students in writing activities. Each student edits one to two pieces for the final book, which is designed for the project then hand-made and published with the help of the students.

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