2022 Mathical Award Winners
Mathical Book Distribution with Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Bring Me a Book and Bookelicious
The OLC is proud to announce that 42 Title I schools and organizations including classrooms, libraries, and extended learning programs in Oakland received sets of 10 Mathical Book Prize titles in grade-level bands, and a book cubby in which to store the books.
A total of 130 sets of books were distributed by the Bring Me a Book Foundation and the Oakland Literacy Coalition with the assistance of Bookelicious. The books are provided thanks to the generosity of the Firedoll Foundation.
The books, spanning PreK to 12th grade, range from picture books to youth biographies of mathematicians, from chapter books to novels, spanning imagination, big ideas, current social issues, science, drama, and puzzle-solving.
These lively books showcase the joy of math in the everyday world. They are meant for classroom use, to enrich the classrooms and libraries of schools in need in Oakland.
A list of winning schools can be found below.

- 3Ls: Literacy, Leadership & Liberation
- Achieve Academy
- ASCEND Elementary School
- Aspire Berkley Maynard Academy
- Aspire Lionel Wilson College Prep
- Aspire Monarch Academy
- Aspire Triumph Technology Academy
- Bella Vista Elementary
- Bridges Academy at Melrose
- Burckhalter Elementary School
- Castlemont High School
- Cox Academy
- Edna Brewer Middle School
- Elmhurst United Middle School
- Emerson Elementary
- Franklin Elementary School
- Frick United Academy of Language
- Garfield Elementary School
- Grass Valley Elementary
- Highland Community School
- Hoover Elementary
- Horace Mann Elementary School
- International Community School
- Kaiser Early Childhood Development Center
- Korematsu Discovery Academy
- La Escuelita School
- Laurel Elementary
- Lazear Charter Academy
- Learning Without Limits
- Lincoln Elementary School
- Lockwood Child Development Center
- Madison Park Academy (Grades 6-12)
- Manzanita Community Elementary School
- Manzanita SEED Elementary School
- Markham Elementary
- Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary
- Oakland Academy of Knowledge
- REACH Academy
- Skyline High School
- Think College Now Elementary
- Urban Montessori Charter School
- Urban Promise Academy
The Mathical Book Prize recognizes math-inspiring literary fiction and nonfiction for very young children through high school students. The book distribution will help promote math as an exciting subject that’s more than numbers and equations.
Explore the full Mathical List – sort by age level – here.